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Page history last edited by Renske Hofman 12 years, 6 months ago



Welcome to the English GTP - Cunina Learning Circle "Eco Friendly Schools"





 We invite you to visits the learning Circle wiki's:


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Emerging Technologies  -  Youth in Action/ Volunteering  -  Cunina Eco Friendly Schools


Comments (31)

Sebastiaan Pol said

at 10:32 am on Mar 15, 2012

Our deepest condolences to the families and schools that are involved in the touring car accident in Switzerland!! From Het Noordik Almelo

Aireen said

at 2:44 am on Mar 15, 2012

Our deepest condolences and prayers to the victims and their families. from all of us at Saint Mary's University of Bayombong

Evelyne said

at 7:53 pm on Mar 14, 2012

It's indeed a very black day ... 4 teachers, 22 pupils of +-12 years old, still so young!

I can't imagine what those parents must have felt today, not knowing if their own child still lives...

Last week 2/3 of our school was away with busses (for one or more days)... There even was an accident in London - with the end of the bus - a whole window collapsed... but our pupils were luckily okay... (but shocked)

TODAY we realise, more than ever, how lucky we all are ...

Deepest condolences to the families and schools!

Eliane Metni said

at 10:53 am on Mar 14, 2012

I join Bob in sending my sincere condolences. What a tragedy!

Bob Hofman said

at 9:49 am on Mar 14, 2012

We just heard about the very sad news of the touring car accident in Switzerland, in which 28 Belgium people died, among them 22 Belgium students.
In this Learning Circle community we would like to share our deepest condolences to our colleagues from Belgium... what a black and sad day.

Bob Hofman said

at 12:12 pm on Mar 1, 2012

You’re welcome Simon, great work being posted !!
As you said, this is learning by doing. Wiki’s are created to support collaborative learning and group work. So first use a Word.doc to collect research outcome is a different way ofg working. In some circles students even create their own (free!!) wiki to work and then at the end “harvest” and copy the outcome to the Learning Circles wiki.
What I like best about wiki is the possibility to add all kinds of files... liken for example Vocaroo... see how easy it is to use it as a comment on the work of Eline, Lisanne and Daphe.
Enjoy your spring holiday week, it’s back to school before you know  greetings, Bob

Simon Withaar said

at 2:14 am on Mar 1, 2012

Tnx Bob, i've posted all the anwsers. It was a bit difficult sometimes, because the students put quite some effort on the lay-out and presentation of the question and many of that wasn't possible to copy and even caused problems with the added tabs, automatic numbers etc. Sometimes a picture jumped to the other side of the page, but i did my best to make it readable.. We'll take this expience with us and next time we'll just work and publish @ the wiki.

Bob Hofman said

at 1:06 pm on Feb 24, 2012

yes we can certainly help.... in LC wikis uploading of pdf's or word.docs is not an option as in some schools downloads are blocked!
Simon, please call me today, so I do not have to type my fingers blue to explain :-) Pref call when you are also on-line and in wiki. gr Bob.

Simon Withaar said

at 12:35 pm on Feb 24, 2012

I've got a question. I got the awnsers from my students, with lot's of pictures and text, as a .pdf .docx and .doc format. I wanted to post some of the finished awnsers at the wiki. But how can i upload it and put in at the question page? I thought i saw the introductions of the Phillipines were uploaded as .pdf. But i don't know how and it's cooler when the awsers are published at the Wiki in the lay-out the students did it. Anyone can help?

Simon Withaar said

at 11:58 am on Feb 24, 2012

finishing.. hehe, sorry for my english:P

Simon Withaar said

at 11:57 am on Feb 24, 2012

Our students are finisching the latest awnsers today. They really enjoyed the research phase. Instead of, sometimes, boring lessons, now they could work at the project. They have to make the conclusion in groups and the best conclusions will be posted again. They'll get a mark for that. After that the class wants to organise an exchange program for students. Maybe it's possible to meet (some) of the Belgium or Dutch groups as a followup from this project? If anyone is interrested, please tell me. Our idea was to let the students visit our school and city for two days. The class will arrange a sleeping place and a program for the two days. It would be great if some weeks later we can visit your school and city then?

Arlene B. Herrera said

at 4:33 am on Feb 2, 2012

Sorry for posting "almost the same question"...Our apologies...We just posted our question without considering other questions....

Bob Hofman said

at 10:27 pm on Jan 20, 2012

This is a request to ONLY upload small pictures (between 50-100 Kb)...
Adding 10 times a 2Mb picture (directly taken from your camera) makes a wiki page 20Mb!!
With a small internet connection and 5-10 pc's in a class room it can easily 10-15 minutes before your page is opened.
In the sidebar we have added a very simple tool calle image resizer, see --> https://gtpcuninaefsjan2012.pbworks.com/folder.php?folder=image_resizer
It will only take a few minutes to make big images small. and is highly appreciated by your fellow LC partner classes.
Enjoy your weekend,greetings to all, Bob

Evelyne said

at 1:21 pm on Jan 14, 2012

Can someone post the picture of the Dutch/Belgian training? Thanks in advance!

Arlene B. Herrera said

at 4:22 am on Jan 14, 2012

Hello! We are back... :)

Mrs. Ruby Anne Asumbrado said

at 3:55 am on Dec 21, 2011

Hi Bob, we are safe here in Cebu...but unfortunately Filipinos from the southern part of the Philippines were the ones devastated by the typhoon...900+ people died...and until now some bodies are missing...and the whole area is still far from recovery...help us pray for our co-Filipinos....

Bob Hofman said

at 3:55 pm on Dec 18, 2011

Dear friends in Bayombong and Cebu,
while working in Suriname, Latin America, I noticed bad news about typhoon and floodings in the Philippines..
We pray you and your loved ones are all safe... with greetings from the heart, Bob

Bob Hofman said

at 7:15 am on Dec 7, 2011

We wish all our friends at the St. Mary's Universtity congratulations with the University's Foundation celebrations.
Elke and Bob saw the students rehersal.. so much energy and talents much lead to a SUPER celebration week!!
Wish cold winter greetings, Elke and Bob.

Bob Hofman said

at 7:05 am on Dec 7, 2011

Dear Mrs. Anne, Rachelle and Ruby, we wish you a very successful student introduction this afternoon.
Please send them our greetings from Belgium and Holland....
As you can see all your work is now gathered under workshops in right hand sidebar and the wiki is all set for 9 classes 
Enjoy the afternoon session, greetings Elke and Bob

Mrs. Ruby Anne Asumbrado said

at 4:55 am on Dec 7, 2011

Good news from St. Theresa's College Cebu...This afternoon we will be giving an orientation about the Global Teenager Project to our student participants. Surely this will create positive response from our students :)

Anne, Rachelle and Marnie

Bob Hofman said

at 9:05 pm on Dec 3, 2011

Dear all, a short comment to inform yiu that Elke and Bob have arrived safe and sound at Schiphol.
long flght, yet the memories to a week with amazing workshops, very friendly and hard working people and the Philippine hospitality mades us long to return already. Lets continue to be in touch via the wiki and prepare for a super Learning Circle experience. Last but not least we thank Cunina for making all this happen.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas time, greetings from Elke and Bob.

Bob Hofman said

at 10:22 pm on Nov 30, 2011

Yesterday evening Elke and Bob arrived safe and sound in Cebu and were warmly welcomed at the airport :-)
We also say a big "thank you" to Mrs. Ria (the Dutch GTP country coordinator), who prepared the wiki for today’s' training in Cebu and collected & saved all worked from the Bayombong on three training pages (see sidebar > workshops > Cebu.
Read to start the new day!!

Arlene B. Herrera said

at 9:40 am on Nov 28, 2011

Thank you Ms. Ria and Mimoza!

Ria Kattevilder said

at 9:15 am on Nov 28, 2011

The Netherlands GTP team says "Hello" to the teachers in the Phillipines! :)
Take care,

Mimoza said

at 8:20 am on Nov 28, 2011

Wellcome to the GTP family.

Greetings from Macedonia.

Fe T. Lumogdang said

at 4:55 am on Nov 28, 2011

Thanks. I did it.

Noli Mar M. Navarro said

at 4:50 am on Nov 28, 2011

nice to be here in the workspace!

Aireen O. Santos said

at 4:40 am on Nov 28, 2011

finally am in!

Arlene B. Herrera said

at 4:40 am on Nov 28, 2011


samuel r. soliven said

at 4:38 am on Nov 28, 2011


Erwin Exequiel P. Calata said

at 4:37 am on Nov 28, 2011

Glad to be part of the GTP circle...

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