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Page history last edited by Bob Hofman 12 years, 9 months ago




Training Learning Circles Philippines

Saint Mary’s University, Bayombong


November 28-29, 2011

Venue:  Internet Center – Apo Pilo Building




DAY 1:


   7:45 -   7:55  --- Opening Prayer....................................     SMU Chorale

   7:55 -   8:00  --- Philippine National Anthem................     SMU Chorale

   8:00 -   8:30  --- Welcome Address................................     Dr. John Octavious S. Palina

                                                                                                Vice President for Administration

                        --- Introduction of the Trainors................     Mr. Allan G. Guiab

                                                                                               SMU CUNINA Co-Representative

                        --- Introduction of the Participants...........     Mr. Erwin P. Calata

                                                                                                SMU GTP-CUNINA  Coordinator

               8:30 - 10:30  --- Introduction of the Training Program..     Mr. Bob Hofman

                                                                                                Head, Global Teenager Project

 10:30 - 10:45  --- Health Break

 10:45 - 11:30  --- Consensus on Added Value Virtual Collaborative Learning

 11:30 - 12:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 1

 12:30 -   1:30  --- Lunch Break

   1:30 -   3:00  --- Learning Circle Phase 2

   3:00 -   3:30  --- Health Break

   3:30 -   4:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 2

   4:30 -   5:00  --- Summary of Day 1


DAY 2:

   8:00 -   9:00  --- Recap of  Day 1

   9:00 - 10:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 4

 10:30 - 10:45  --- Health Break

 10:45 - 11:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 5

 11:30 - 12:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 6

 12:30 -   1:30  --- Lunch Break

   1:30 -   3:00  --- Implementation of Learning Circles

   3:00 -   3:30  --- Health Break

   3:30 -   4:00  --- Recap of Day 2


   4:00 -   5:00  --- Awarding of Certificates and Token   Rev. Fr. Renillo H. Sta. Ana, CICM University President       


                        --- Closing Meeting with Country and School Coordinator




Master of Ceremonies:  Mr. Allan G. Guiab, SMU CUNINA Co-Representative





Mr. Erwin Exequiel P. Calata------------------------SMU GTP - CUNINA  Coordinator


Miss Zenaida C. Academia---------------------------SMU GTP – CUNINA contact person



Dr. Samuel R. Soliven ----------------------------Principal, High School


Mr.Melencio G. Bernardino---------------------- Faculty, High School


Mr. Allan S. Guiab---------------------------------SMU CUNINA Co-Representative


Mrs. Arlene B. Herrera----------------------------Faculty, High School


Mrs. Fe T. Lumogdang----------------------------Faculty, High School


Mr. Nolimar M. Navarro--------------------------Faculty, High School


Mrs. Aireen O. Santos-----------------------------Faculty, High School



Trainers:  Mr. Bob Hofman and Miss Elke Vandamme


Training Learning Circles Philippines

Saint Mary’s University, Bayombong


November 28-29, 2011

Venue:  Internet Center – Apo Pilo Building




DAY 1:


   7:45 -   7:55  --- Opening Prayer....................................     SMU Chorale

   7:55 -   8:00  --- Philippine National Anthem................     SMU Chorale

   8:00 -   8:30  --- Welcome Address................................     Dr. John Octavious S. Palina

                                                                                                Vice President for Administration

                        --- Introduction of the Trainors................     Mr. Allan G. Guiab

                                                                                               SMU CUNINA Co-Representative

                        --- Introduction of the Participants...........     Mr. Erwin P. Calata

                                                                                                SMU GTP-CUNINA  Coordinator

               8:30 - 10:30  --- Introduction of the Training Program..     Mr. Bob Hofman

                                                                                                Head, Global Teenager Project

 10:30 - 10:45  --- Health Break

 10:45 - 11:30  --- Consensus on Added Value Virtual

                              Collaborative Learning

 11:30 - 12:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 1

 12:30 -   1:30  --- Lunch Break

   1:30 -   3:00  --- Learning Circle Phase 2

   3:00 -   3:30  --- Health Break

   3:30 -   4:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 2

   4:30 -   5:00  --- Summary of Day 1


DAY 2:

   8:00 -   9:00  --- Recap of  Day 1

   9:00 - 10:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 4

 10:30 - 10:45  --- Health Break

 10:45 - 11:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 5

 11:30 - 12:30  --- Learning Circle Phase 6

 12:30 -   1:30  --- Lunch Break

   1:30 -   3:00  --- Implementation of Learning Circles

   3:00 -   3:30  --- Health Break

   3:30 -   4:00  --- Recap of Day 2


   4:00 -   5:00  --- Awarding of Certificates and Token   Rev. Fr. Renillo H. Sta. Ana, CICM

                                                                                                                 University President       


                        --- Closing Meeting with Country and School Coordinator




Master of Ceremonies:  Mr. Allan G. Guiab, SMU CUNINA Co-Representative







Mr. Erwin Exequiel P. Calata------------------------SMU GTP - CUNINA  Coordinator


Miss Zenaida C. Academia---------------------------SMU GTP – CUNINA contact person



Dr. Samuel R. Soliven ----------------------------Principal, High School


Mr.Melencio G. Bernardino---------------------- Faculty, High School


Mr. Allan S. Guiab---------------------------------SMU CUNINA Co-Representative


Mrs. Arlene B. Herrera----------------------------Faculty, High School


Mrs. Fe T. Lumogdang----------------------------Faculty, High School


Mr. Nolimar M. Navarro--------------------------Faculty, High School


Mrs. Aireen O. Santos-----------------------------Faculty, High School



Trainors:  Mr. Bob Hofman and Miss Elke Vandamme

Comments (4)

Melencio G. Bernardino, Jr. said

at 8:50 am on Nov 29, 2011

Hi, Ms. Eliane!

We're about to complete the training. I could not wait to learn from friends around the globe through the GTP. More power!

Eliane Metni said

at 7:51 am on Nov 28, 2011

You are most welcome Arlene!

Arlene B. Herrera said

at 4:44 am on Nov 28, 2011

Thank you Ms Elaine!

Eliane Metni said

at 8:25 pm on Nov 24, 2011

Dear friends in the Philippines,
Welcome to the Global Teenager Project! I am sure you will enjoy the workshop with Bob and Elke and I look forward to finding you in the GTP Learning Circles,

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