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Introductions Cebu

Page history last edited by Ria Kattevilder 12 years, 9 months ago
  1. group 1.
  2. group 2.

Greetings from the Country of Limitless Opportunities for Exploration!


Hello! My name is Alexa Lionness, I am teaching Biology at the University of Madagascar. My beautiful country is located in the Indian Ocean 250 miles off the eastern coast of Africa across the Mozambique Channel, just south of the equator. It is the world's fourth largest island. 
A nature-lover's paradise, Deciduous forests, crystalline lakes, massive caverns, and savanna grassland dot the broad western plains, and the southern tip of the island is covered with a magnificent desert. This Eden-like garden of riches is filled with so much diversity in life and in geography that it is like no other island anywhere on Earth. Indeed, every expedition into her mountains, her rain forests, her river valleys, her coastal plains, her grasslands, her caverns, and her deserts leads to the discovery of some new plant or animal species. These unique features provide the right venue for my students to use the 7 wonders of the world, that is, to touch, to see, to feel, to hear, to taste, and to love this heaven on earth.


It is in this context that teaching biology is more active , inspiring, and fun. Students get to see how a real paradise look like.


Looking forward to learn with you!




Where are we?


A peek of our uniqueness


Our prestigious school


Yours truly



Namaste  from Incredible India!



               My name is Veena Hinduja. I am 28 years old and I am a History teacher at New Era High School in Panchgani. Panchgani, India is a scenic municipal town nestled at the middle of five hills in the Sahyadri mountain ranges. Our school has approximately 2000 pupils and I have been teaching there for almost 7 years.

               I am born in New Delhi and have been living with my twin daughters and a Filipino husband in Panchgani for almost three years. My passion in life includes photography, cooking spiced fusion dishes and  travelling. I enjoyed going to different scenic spots in South and East Asia. Next Year, I am looking forward to see my husbands place – the beautiful Philippines.

               As an educator, I always live by the principle “Taare Zameen Par”….Every Child is Special



               With me are my Grade 8 students in History 12d class and are looking forward to jump and explore the beauty and history of our world through this Global Teenager Project.



Get to Know Our School




From a hostel for Bahai children established on 1st August 1945 with sixteen children, New Era has grown into a leading international educational institution. It is under the supervision of the New Era School Committee Trust and under the guidance of the  National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha`is of India.


Since the establishment of the school, the diversity of the student body with over 800 girls and boys coming from 25 countries, most states of India and all religious backgrounds, ensured that children learnt to appreciate and respect all beliefs, cultures and nationality of the world. Thus, the school  endeavored over the years to exemplify  Baha’u’llah’s teaching “... the earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.”




For more information of our school visit or webpage: http://www.nehsindia.org/

Hi! I am Mussy S. Yap. I am from Bangkok, Thailand (previously Siam). My country has always been a multi-ethnic, multi-confessional society. More than 85% speak a variant of Thai and share a common culture, though there is a strong sense of regional identity and pride in many areas of my country. Roughly one-third of our population is in central Thailand, including Bangkok; one-third in the northeast, with significant Lao and Khmer heritage; 20% in the north; and 15% in the south. Ethnic Malay Muslims comprise a majority in the three southernmost provinces.

Central Thai is the language taught in our schools and used in government. Lao, as well as “Isaan dialect”, is spoken widely in northeastern Thailand; “Gam Muang” or northern dialect is spoken in the north; and a southern Thai dialect in the mid-south. Several other Tai dialects are spoken among our smaller groups, such as the Shan (Tai Yai), Lue, and Phutai. Our Chief of State is King Bhumibol Adulyadej. You will have noticed that the designation is a King. Indeed, we have a very rich and royal heritage evidenced too by the many temples that surround our country.

The religions in my country include: Buddhism 93%-94%, Islam 5%-6%, Christianity 1%, Hindu, Brahmin, other.

Here's a map of my country that will give you a clearer picture of where it is situated.







Here's a video of the various practices of my people who profess different religions as mentioned.



My School, My Love!!!

The name of my school is PTIS International School. It is located in Chiang Rai which is just 15 kilometers from Bangkok. With a 100 acre campus that is the envy of the international schools of Thailand and across the world, my school boasts of a peaceful and studious environment, with famous Thailand hospitality to help nurture the students' growth and development. Although very new and established only in 2001,PTIS has become one of the leading boarding schools in Asia and is ranked among the best international schools in Thailand.


Parenting with the brain in mind! This is our favorite motto!!!


I am hoping to work with all of you out there so we can make the future brighter for our students!


Boker Tov! (Good Morning in Hebrew)


             I am Marnie Racaza....                   



and I come from a Land where the Messiah Jesus Christ once tread...
























I welcome you all to my country..to my land...to my ISRAEL





I am an Old Testament Professor here at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.






Reading and interpreting the texts in the Bible is my passion.

I always love and enjoy teaching these to my students.






There is more is more to Israel that meets the eye.  


Israel, the 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world's population


Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.


Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin












Comments (1)

Bob Hofman said

at 2:50 pm on Dec 5, 2011

Thanks Ria, for collecting and organsing all pages from two workshops in the Philippines :-)
We have added a 9th group now in participating schools, so Cebu joins with 3 classes.
Feel free to use the wiki and specially post welcome notifications from Bayombong and Cebu on workshop page December 13th:

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