
News 3: Question

Page history last edited by Ria Kattevilder 12 years, 11 months ago


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Newsletter of the Learning Circle Eco Friendly Schools   

Phase 3: Questions - Week 3: January 23rd - 29th
Dear all, we are now in the third week of the Learning Circle; please find the overview of the Circle results in the wiki.This is the second and last week to post your question.
Update of the Learning Circle
We have all introductions in the wiki now, and Mrs. Fe & Mr. Melencio from Bayombong EFS4 will change the pdf intro this week, now exams are done.
And as we read well, more clips are still on their way, so we say well done to you all! 
Agenda for the week
We are now in the third week of the Learning Circle and this is the last week to post your questions. Already 3 draft questions have been posted; for the other participants we ask, please read these questions already posted an assure your questions addresses a new topic. The more variety the questions have, the richer the research and answer phase will be.
Important Information
Criteria for quality sponsored question:
  • should be sent in time
  • related to the theme of the LC
  • clear definition without possible misinterpretation, taking into consideration cultural differences.
  • one question unless clarification is required by the facilitator. The clarification could be in the form of 3-5 sub-questions to guide the research
  • the question should be 'open' and initiate research, no 'closed question' that can be answered with Yes/No or very simple to answer
  • the answer requires research
  • the question should reflect international and global learning, and avoid focusing on one country or region
  • if the question doesn't match these criteria facilitator will request to rework the question
Tip: see the guidelines for Powerful Questions 
Surprise us with your creativity and have a super Circle week ahead,
Greetings, Elke, Ria and Bob
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