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News 6: Research and Answers

Page history last edited by Ria Kattevilder 12 years, 8 months ago


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Newsletter of the Learning Circle EFS/Cunina   

Phase 4: Research
Week 6: February 13th - 19th 
Dear Learning Circle participants,
We are in the 6th week of the Learning Circle, the 3rd week of making research and posting the answers on the partners' questions. We hope you are all doing well in research! 
Update of the Learning Circle

We have posted the Learning Circle update in the wiki. From the update, we learn that EFS1, KA Erasmus in de Pinte, Belgium already posted some draft answers. Well done .It is nice to see how answers start and will grow over the next 2,5 weeks; we hope more classes will do the same and share where you are in your research :-) 

Important Information
Criteria for quality answers: 
  • should be posted on time
  • clear definition without possible misinterpretation, taking into consideration cultural differences
  • the answer always starts with repeating the question.
  • answers should reflect that research has been done and should consist of clear references, mention (re)sources used showing research done
  • post photos, diagrams, tables, presentations or other material which can illustrate you research
  • minimum number of words should be for a Research Based  LC - 250 words in one answer
! Anyone interested in a Skype meeting on Friday February 17th?!
Make a comment on the Skype page with time indiaction; we would love to see and hear you around ;-). Have fun in the week ahead.

Quick Links
Global Teenager Project Website
Cunina website

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